News From the Creative Writer's Desk

What is "News From the Creative Writer's Desk?"

It's a monthly newsletter mailed out on the first day of every month that keeps you informed and up to date with all the goings on of the site. You'll find out what interviews are lined up, who's making a splash in the creative world and get a few valuable writing tips from the pros.

Why Should I Sign Up?

Because you don't want to be left out of the loop. Tips from the Pros is only available through the Newsletter. It's true that you can find a wealth of knowledge by skimming through the site and you can keep up with the latest interviews through the blog, but why waste time? You work hard every day. Don't waste that work by passing up this great opportunity to get new and valuable information.

Will you sell my e-mail to anyone or send me spam?

No and no. You're e-mail is completely secure with us and we will only ever use it to send you the monthly newsletter. When you first sign up you'll receive a confirmation e-mail to make sure it was really you giving us your address and a thank you note for subscribing but after that, the only time you'll hear from us is on the first day of every month. Of course, if you have other questions or comments, you can always use the Contact the Editor form. We'll be glad to reply promptly.

Sounds Great! What do I do?

Just give us your first name and a valid e-mail address and hit "Subscribe." In a minute or two we'll send you the confirmation e-mail just to make sure it's really you. That's it. It's that simple.

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